Home Study Course: The URANTIA Book, Facet 2
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Divine Pattern is Evolution on all Universe Levels of Reality
45 lessons - 1 lesson per purchase
The URANTIA Book – The first one-tenth of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. A study book that you read over a lifetime, like the Bible, to come back to often and read. 196 Papers, 2,000+ pages.
This course follows the completion of Phase I and begins with the educational goal for you to develop a higher understanding of cosmic mind in order to foster the education of your whole person, which supports your ascension process.
Ascension involves developing clear reasoning and deep-thinking minds that respond to the cosmic mind on three levels of universe reality—physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
This course will help you to better understand the divine pattern expressed in the manifestation of the perfect Central Universe core (around which the creations of time and space revolve) that contains one billion spheres of exquisite beauty that one day will be part of your journey to the Isle of Paradise.
You will receive a better vision of your future life as well as the framework information that will help you to begin your journey of development from Urantia (Earth) through the various stages of light and life, beginning with the first stage, which our world is on the verge of entering.
Three Elements of Universe Reality
Paradise, An Extended Study
The Emergence of the Seven Absolutes
Extended Study of Levels of Reality
Ascension of Evolutionary Mortals
History of Evolution of Religion on Urantia
Certification of Completion upon final lesson for Home Study student.
The URANTIA Book – The first one-tenth of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. A study book that you read over a lifetime, like the Bible, to come back to often and read. 196 Papers, 2,000+ pages.
The Concordex of The URANTIA Book or The URANTIA Book Concordance would be helpful. If you are unable to purchase on of the two reference books, then public library access to a copy may be an option.
This course could help the student obtain easier admission in The University of Ascension Science and the Physics of Rebellion, leading to ordination.
It is recommended that The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 Home Study Course also be taken simultaneously if possible, as The Cosmic Family volumes are the continuation of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, The URANTIA Book.
The Divine New Order And The Dawn Of The First Stage Of Light And Life, Gabriel of Urantia’s autobiography that challenges the social, political, and spiritual status quo.
The story of the beginning of Divine Administration and Global Community Communications Alliance as well as the beginning of the regathering of the cosmic family and Gabriel as an Audio Fusion Material Complement.
Remember that under the First Amendment individuals have the right of religious freedom to believe what they choose. You can disbelieve the author but give the author the courtesy of having his right to believe what his experience, his reality, and his God reveal to him.
The easiest book to read and the hardest to believe.
Teachings on Healing, From a Spiritual Perspective, A compilation of years of personal growth experience offering very real solutions for personal transformation and healing by Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase.
Written in lay terms with easier-to-read recipes for mind and body healing to prevent further disease. Can be read as a reference book throughout the years, addressing various illnesses.