Home Study Course: The Cosmic Family, Volume 1

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An Introduction to Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation, Ascension Science, and the Physics of Rebellion

39 lessons - 1 lesson per purchase


The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 and The URANTIA Book

This introductory course is designed to give you a beginning foundation in the study of Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation. The lessons constitute a practical workbook in Ascension Science (the fusion of science and spirituality), building concept upon concept.

The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 home study course provides a basis for truth-seekers to achieve their destiny purpose in service to their brothers and sisters by becoming the Change Agents/Destiny Reservists needed to bring this planet out of rebellion and into the first stage of light and life.

The first lessons introduce you to cosmic terminology, which is the beginning understanding of interuniversal language for the first stage of light and life on Urantia (Earth).

The course includes an introduction to the physics of rebellion, the adjudication by the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer, the present functions of Machiventa Melchizedek's Divine Administration, and the training of Destiny Reservists.

You will come to understand the importance of universe point of origin, genetic inheritance, complementary relationships, appropriate sexual relationships, and the healing of the physical, astral, and etheric bodies preparatory to ascension into your first morontia (semi-spiritual) body.

Certification of Completion upon final lesson for Home Study student.


The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 and The URANTIA Book


The Concordex of The URANTIA Book or The URANTIA Book Concordance would be helpful. If you are unable to purchase on of the two reference books, then public library access to a copy may be an option.


It is recommended that The URANTIA BOOK, Facet 1 Home Study Course also be taken simultaneously if possible, as The URANTIA Book is the fulcrum on which Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation rests.


The Divine New Order And The Dawn Of The First Stage Of Light And Life, Gabriel of Urantia’s autobiography that challenges the social, political, and spiritual status quo.

The story of the beginning of Divine Administration and Global Community Communications Alliance as well as the beginning of the regathering of the cosmic family and Gabriel as an Audio Fusion Material Complement. 

Remember that under the First Amendment individuals have the right of religious freedom to believe what they choose. You can disbelieve the author but give the author the courtesy of having his right to believe what his experience, his reality, and his God reveal to him.

The easiest book to read and the hardest to believe.


Teachings on Healing, From a Spiritual Perspective, A compilation of years of personal growth experience offering very real solutions for personal transformation and healing by Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase.

Written in lay terms with easier-to-read recipes for mind and body healing to prevent further disease. Can be read as a reference book throughout the years, addressing various illnesses.